EZLN, the favorite example of Anarchists and revisionists of an alternative to Marxism-Leninism, has now collapsed due to lack of solid theoretical fundamentals.
Marxism-Leninism is the consistent science of the liberation of the working masses, and no viable alternatives have been seen to date.
article in English https://apnews.com/article/mexico-indigenous-zapatista-rebels-violence-04006895dc4bd430b4b957d459551a12
My job drug tests and i refuse to do weed through any method other than shoving gummies up my ass. One time i thought i was shoving gummy bears up my ass, but my husband comes in and informs me that they had weed in them. I had just passed my drug test but i had work later that day. I knew i was going for a ride.
After a fairly stressful drive to work i emptied the gummies in a bathroom trash can (i refuse to associate toilets with my sex stuff because sex is a beutiful thing between man and man, not the dirty fulfillment of a biological function.
Its always really disturbed at how sex has been commodified in our culture. They think that its a toy to be bought, instead of an activity to share.