wow you really are so brainwashed that literally nothing could change your mind because you aggressively seek to ignore reality when it doesn’t match up with what you think you know
China: agrees that taiwan is part of china
U.S.: agrees that taiwan is part of china
Taiwan: agrees that taiwan is part of china
Online CCP apologist starter pack right here.
wahhh reality doesn’t line up with what i believe in
“CCP apologist” lol so what. We live in a whole world of countries and ideologies you can’t just expect everyone to talk like Americans
No, but this type of rhetoric goes hand in hand with Chinese nationalism and I frankly detest nationalism in any form. It spurs non-constructive, bad-faith discourse and in more extreme cases leads to literal genocide. Nazi Germany, present-day Israel, the Xinjiang province… The list goes on and on.
Didn’t you get the memo that it’s now a “cultural genocide” in Xinjiang because the feds who constructed the worldview you are spoonfed realized a narrative of “literal genocide” was rhetorically unable to cope with the lack of evidence?
Bro, all they did was give you info on the historic stance of the UN, on Taiwan. Is the whole United Nations a “CCP shill” too?
The obvious intention is to somehow “prove” that Taiwan is a part of the PRC. It’s a really common tactic by people trying to push the CCP’s worldview.
I mean, you’re not that far off given the PRC’s permanent seat on the UN’s security council, but you know full well that most states and the WHO have a vested financial interest in not pissing off the CCP.