Is there no way to add extensions to focus? Or to open new tabs directly? (without having to click any links firsts)
I ask because it doesn’t block everything and it’s annoying having to work around the 1 tab limit.
You can tap and hold to open in a new tab, but no I don’t think there’s a way to directly open a new tab. Too many tabs sorta breaks the Focus paradigm though. I’ve been using it as a throw away browser tab for years at this point and I think I’ve had more than 1 tab a handful of times. If i’m doing serious enough research I need persistent tabs, I usually wont be using my phone.
Ah that’s lame. I use my phone for quick searches too so it’s annoying how regular Firefox doesn’t delete everything when you close it (selecting Quit just isn’t the same). But it’s also annoying how Focus makes you do that dumb workaround to open a new tab and doesn’t let you install extensions either. I don’t understand why mozilla keeps these features separate.