He likes the perception of power more than power itself. He declares victory, gets it ‘stolen’ and then is ‘forced’ to leave. He then starts a media company or something.
He’ll lose MI, WI, and AZ. That’s enough to tip Biden over the edge
I think this is possible.
The one thing libs do not think about is that after Trump is gone from the white house, he’s technically not out of their hair forever. Over 67 million people in this country voted for him. He’s a LOT more popular than they say on the TV and mainstream media…
He’s in a position to pretty much replace Rush Limbaugh as the new conservative media personality who has a cult following. Dems lost the Senate and are hanging on barely in the House while Biden is also going to scrap through a close win for the white house. All this is setting up perfectly for the GOP in 2022 and going to 2024. They’ll most likely sweep 2022 midterms and then for the next far right reactionary movement coming in 2024, Trump TV will be there to cheer it all on.