Liberals sap my life energy little by little every day, specially Reddit liberals.
I think I’ve needed to check my ego a bit and realise that I’m not carrying the world on my shoulders and I can log off for a few days to recharge. Have other things going on, hobbies, painting, video games, guitar.
If you haven’t been mentally suffering through the past few years then there’s something wrong with you. As that saying goes, “It’s no measure of health to find yourself to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”.
What this means in practice though is that we’re going to have to find a way to switch off and heal. Take the time when you need it, you’re no use to anyone being a depressed and traumatised basket case. Others will carry on while you gather your strength.
and realise that I’m not carrying the world on my shoulders
Important words.
We do what we can. But ultimately even the greats didn’t do it alone. If it weren’t for the wider movement, there would be no Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro. We can’t be feeling down because we haven’t single handedly brought about a communism of plenty.
That doesn’t mean be apathetic or wait indefinitely for someone else to do the hard work. It means put things into perspective. And rest a little easier knowing the working class will have it’s revolution whether anyone likes it or not.