We love our public bathrooms, don’t we folks? And the weeds growing out of it will appreciate the watering and all that lovely fertiliser.
It’s your 05 August 2020 Megathread and Joe Biden is still a rapist. I wish I was headed to the Costa del Sol for some bussy, but all I can make do with is the ol plastic while the folks are out the house. Sad!
Guns are good, you libs. Get educated, get strapped.
THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (Under construction? Still?):
For Beginners
An unsorted mass of Brain Enhancers
A giant MEGA Archive of theory
- Curated by our very own /u/redblackgold
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Critique of the Gotha Programme
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Preface
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
I don’t understand why people here say we shouldn’t vote for Biden. If you are in a safe blue state I get not voting but if you are in a toss up state you should defiently vote for Biden. Biden is obviously better than Trump and would have material benefits for people in the country. Some people will say “participating in bourgeoisie democracy is useless” but like why can’t people vote for biden and also do praxis. like we are not even close to a revolution and I think voting for Biden could have real benefits for people or at least getting Trump out of the white house will help marginalized people. I live in a Blue state so I probably won’t vote but if some one is in a toss up state they should vote for Biden in my opinion and I don’t understand why so many people here seem to be against that.
Lol I really like this meme. but in reality we have only 2 choices and every one would agree that biden will help marginalized people more. counterpoint: if my two options in reality are voting for 1000 people dead or 10 people dead id vote for 10 people dead