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Probably not nice but I’m praying VCAT hurries up and hopefully he gets forced into treatment. I dont *THINK *VCAT can force that. They’ll throw them out (eventually) but they’ll be given chance after chance after chance. They’ll end up on the street, and then maybe if they are lucky fall through the cracks into support, but more likely not.
I don’t know the specifics of the situation, but recommend you look at a plan B here cause waiting for mental health support services is a long wait for a train that dont come.
No, VCAT can’t force that. I’m hoping though that there’s a team involved that can place him somewhere he can be treated. The whole thing is unfortunate.
Unfortunately there’s very little I can do other than wait. And wait. And wait. And hope not to be physically or sexually assaulted in the meantime. (Not an unreasonable fear. He’s volatile and already had a go at me unprovoked while putting out my bins.) The system has failed these people.
I can try calling CATT or ACIS but you’re right when you say it’s a wait for a train that never comes.
Honestly, involuntary mental health care admittance is almost impossible, i have found this out personally, even if the person is at risk of hurting themselves or others.