That show is funny enough that sometimes I forget that Iannucci is a turbo lib.
The last season or two kind of sucked but I enjoyed it. The focus is mostly on the characters of shithead striving DC assholes and politics takes a backseat. Which I guess if you think about it is kind of fucked, that this committed lib who makes this just apparently thinks that this is inevitable and good and that it should be maintained? But just on a visceral level you are presented with people who in real life you are supposed to hate, and in the show they are coded as despicable, and watching them fail constantly is enjoyable.
Ianucci’s political shows are good because he doesn’t pretend there are any good people in politics.
I think in the Thick of It the only unambiguously “good” characters are people who are like social workers that get brought in to be used as pawns by the politicians. Even the “good” politicains are pretty shady and use some underhanded tactics. I’d recommend Thick of It and Veep, they’re nothing like the West Wing and it’s nonsensical “politicians are actually all good people” message.
tl;dr Sorkin is a fucking hack, Ianucci at least understand politicians are awful people and often incompetent