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So, I don’t know whether it’s Taylor Swift who is super smart, or she surrounds herself with smart people. I guess that still makes her smart. Lots of people want her concert video for Christmas. Only they can’t have it. You can rent it for $25. That’ll give you the show for 48 hours.
Then in January, she is releasing the concert on Blu Ray.
So here we are, contemplating giving a damn video rental code as Christmas Presents. But she still gets that Blu Ray money as well, because of course all those fans are going to buy it when it comes out. This is on top the 🇺🇸 $250Million she’s already made in cinema ticket sales that she isn’t sharing with Hollywood studios because she produced the show herself.
Honestly, I’m impressed. I can’t fault her logic at all. Millions of people are going to spend most of $100 (cinema, rental and then blu ray) and not even get real tickets to her live.