Thanks for this. I sent a message including what you said, and because I have a lot of emotions swirling around, I said that I deserve better and if it means that I break up with him for that to happen, then I will.
I feel like he will use his dyslexia as an excuse again or say something like, “I didn’t know what you wanted.”
He didn’t ask his mum what she wanted and still got her something.
Dyslexia is no excuse. Below is the card my dyslexic 63yo partner gave me for my 50th
I still have NFI what it means, but it was attempted with great care and love, and would have taken a lot of effort for him. This act alone made up for a lot. Your boyfriend is not doing this for you. He is making excuses and perhaps getting more out of the relationship than he is giving. Time for him to make an effort, big time. If he doesn’t… well, I think you well know the natural consequence.
No, unless you’re talking culinary terms. (Was a chef for 35 or so years).