I hate giving relationship advice but here we go. If you are giving more than receiving then it is not a relationship. He gave and received gifts at Christmas. He understands how shit works. IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S HIM. He needs to step up. No one needs to be reminded to give a gift. Ease up. Let him do the chasing now and then you’ll see how much he really cares.
Thanks for your advice. I’m definitely going to ease up a bit.
This is honestly the vibe rn https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=WEAFgJ0Wcla4-cR7&fbclid=PAAaY4uVT7L-bN7IITbCJUluOyIwaa1NeAjX2sIU0B7qegtbiu_7A3sforpQg&v=L5ZL84PHiTY&feature=youtu.be