I have no idea about Australian labor laws but I do know adulthood is defined as 18. What I’m about to ask is honestly ignorance so don’t take it as sarcasm, so what in the fucking fuck is going on in Australia that at ages 18 to 20 is considered 40% wage in any industry? What industries will pay 100% versus 40%? Do you guys not have laws protecting ageism? Am I too tired to be on the internet? Just kidding. I know I am. See ya’ll in the morning.
G’day! Adulthood is defined here as being 18 too. Once you turn 18, no age restrictions apply to you anymore. You can drink, smoke, vote, go to war, whatever you’d like.
In fast food specifically (unsure about others), the minimum wage increases 10% for every year over 15 you are, starting with 40% at 15 and reaching 90% when you’re 20. It’s an absolutely stupid and I’d definitely argue discriminatory rule.
It IS actually illegal to discriminate based on age, I don’t know why it’s legal to discriminate any adults based on age for anything, and I’m unsure whether that’s intentional or it actually is but just unenforced, but from my experience it’s pretty much only ageism if you discriminate against old people (at least, that’s how it’s enforced)
Some industries don’t have any age based wages. I know the community services award doesn’t, but I’m not sure about others
How are the laws/regulations worded in Australia?
“Discrimination in employment based on age” or “discrimination in pay based on age” can probably be considered two separate things. (A silly distinction, but weasel words make the politics go round.) Id be surprised if anti-discrimination laws combined both of these to grant more protections to a large chunk of the workforce.
I’ve never read the legislature so I don’t know, but I’d assume it’s a bit of both, but with specific exceptions to people under 21. There would have to be pay wise, otherwise the government would be implementing illegal laws, but I’m not sure whether anybody can be discriminated against based solely on age in terms of employment