These are the 2021 numbers. I have a printout of the 2022 numbers (china 546B, US 141B) but not a digital copy.
This page indicates that the 2023 numbers are out but I can’t get access to the report. anyone got the new version of this chart?
7 points
- Grab the object that is currently nearest to you and see where it says it was made. Then think about where the emissions from the creation of that object were counted.
- Despite (1), per-capita primary energy usage and emissions in China are way, way lower than any western country. Climate change mitigation is about supporting the maximum number of human lives per unit of carbon emitted, not maximum number of countries.
- Given that China as a political unit is the highest absolute emitter of carbon, isn’t it wonderful that they’re taking it so seriously? That’s a huge chunk of this global problem they’ve taken on.
2 points