What would good comrade Lenin do
Yeah, it’s so weird how the Russian “Republic” was all just the same ministers from the Russian empire. Headed by generals and politicians that were core members of the Russian empire. It’s so weird how the White forces wanted to restore the Tsar too…. Weird…. It was almost like the name change was a lie to try and placate the people…
Also oh my god, the Soviet Union was not an official state in 1919. Nice cherry picking of quotes too; completely unsourced and without context. She was referring to how she disagreed with the exact model of the Bolshevik power structure, not the Soviet Union because it didn’t exist moron.
Also even in your own cherry picked quote. Did you notice how she derided Kautsky for being essentially a bourgeoisie shill? She calls him an electoralist and unsocialist for wanting to push for participation in bourgeoisie “democracy”. Even your own quote proves my point. Zero reading comprehension.
You are 100% arguing in bad faith or you are trolling with how oblivious you are. Kautsky is a joke, and I hope you like following the words of a man that have never been put into use, and is regarded as a joke by his contemporaries.
I’m sorry, but you have no clue what you are talking about, and you are about as dense as a brick. Have a good one.
even if that were true and the russian republic was literally the exact same as the russian empire the october revolution happened in 1917… cmon dude you’re talking out of your ass here
Are you high? The Russian civil war ended in 1923. Have you ever opened a history book? Are you a child? I’m sorry, you are either 10 years old or one of the densest people I have ever spoken to.
right now I think I know the problem. you don’t know the history of the russian civil war. it only took the bolsheviks about a week to take over most of the largest population centers and by russian new year they controlled the majority of russia and were implementing their policy on the country. please just watch this youtube video so you have a general idea of the timeline of events https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLDz5QIjQb0