Aaron Bushnell, hero and role model
I’d like to know why anyone would downvote this. Do you support genocide?
I wish he had another choice. We failed him by not being organized enough to welcome him as a comrade. Instead he chose to do the only thing he could. I admire his courage, but it’s a damn shame we lost someone willing to die for Palestinians.
We’ve failed him, we’ve failed the Palestinians, we’ve failed our immigrants and refugees, we’ve failed our LGBTQ+ people and people of color, we’ve failed our poor. The story of America is a story of one failure after another.
And I say “America” even though this is world news, because he was American.
He was actively involved in anarchist organizing with Serve the People in Akron, OH.
I wasn’t aware of that, but I say that’s an indictment of their organization; a small org that doesn’t ever get beyond charity work and the occasional street protest could not save him from despair. A few thousand likes on Facebook? Is that the height of the organization he could join in his area? I’m sure they’re trying their best, but we have to get organized on a much larger scale to be able to do anything that matters.
Beyond being an indictment of their org, that’s an indictment of us all. We are not organized enough. Not even close.