If it’s a pop-off, you could always get a bag of bottlecaps and a used/cheap capper; wouldn’t cost you more than a case of beer. There are antique ones from like the 30s that still work just the same. Or find them knew in your local brew shop :red-fist:
True. You don’t want to look too prepped. That break-in sounds based af, ngl. Imagine being The Capper for your local antifa supersoldier squad hahaha
Now I’m thinking of how to be prepped without looking prepped. The cloth is easy, just wear an extra shirt. The cap is tricky.
I’m thinking… condom? Haha for real, just don’t cover the whole bottle so it can still smash and explode
Uhm, citizen, why do you have nothing in your pockets but 50 condoms?
Uhh, why else would I be at a riot? lol
if you are careful when you pop the cap off, you can just put it back on with your hands, I used to do it at barbecues so wasps didn’t get in my beer
trick is to not dent the cap, pry it just enough to hear the gas escaping, then gently lift, rotating around the bottle if it’s being stubborn.
when you put it back on, you should be able to hold it upside down without it popping back off
it won’t hold the same as a fresh unopened one, but it won’t come off that easily either