We’re as atomized and alienated as ever, but now we also can’t afford to buy a house or raise kids. Libs will celebrate this.
Homeowners don’t have employees to exploit their value and they can be wage slaves like everyone else. They can’t exploit the value of their house so simply because, well, that’s where they live in, they can’t like rent it out unless they move out themselves in which case they have to start paying rent and it is usually a net loss and a hassle. In many countries home ownership rates are much, much higher than the US, and they are far more class conscious.
People don’t have a blindspot, it’s just that your analysis is weird, and comes from the “good things are actually bad” school of thought. It is funny that you say “American leftists” because America actually has an unusually low home ownership rate especially among developed countries. Leftists living in countries with higher home ownership rates don’t share this illusion.
Cars are capital. Owning a car makes you a capitalist. Computers are capital. Owning a computer makes you a capitalist. Basically the only way to not be a capitalist and be prone to become class conscious is if you’re homeless and naked.
Also if you don’t secretly hate everyone, you’re a liberal and a revisionist.