While SpaceX’s reusable rockets have slashed satellite launch costs to US$3,000/kg, some scientists have estimated that an electromagnetic space launch system could drive those costs down to a mere US$60/kg.
China completely invalidating SpaceX’s business model would be hilarious.
NASA is banned from working with China, so it would be genuinely hilarious if they were the only group stuck paying $3k per kg.
I’m not sure what’s funnier. If China open sources the technology and NASA would have no choice but to switch to it, or they keep it proprietary and force the US to use spacex
I think the funniest outcome would be Elon being forced to try to build a space gun to try to compete.
The SpaceX rockets being reusable barely put a dent in the price of launches, they were already cheap. probably has something to do with them using RP-1 fuel wich is is cheaper and easier to store and creates greenhouse gasses vs. the clean burning liquid hydrogen that NASA and ESA use.