Lmao. Cry more about censorship bitch.
I know it’s fashionable these days to claim to be an introvert—something to do with an unwarranted assumption of depth, maybe—but I actually am an introvert. Small talk exhausts me, not because I believe it’s beneath me, but because it feels like being handed a socket wrench. I have no idea what to do with it.
Holy shit, what a fucking nerd. Shut the fuck up.
lol even that last part of that, like is she trying to play into the trope of, “women don’t know how to fix things” or whatever with the socket wrench comment? They aren’t complicated in the least, I wouldn’t personally consider them harder thank just a regular screwdriver, just seems like a really weird way to make an analogy. Pretty sus to me she is trying to play into the “traditional gender roles.”
Also it seems like projection saying she doesn’t think small talk “is beneath” her, who says that shit? I get not wanting to talk to people sometimes, but that just came off really terrible