Like what am i even doing I barely know what girls are let alone how to become one
Apparently its TERFy or whatever to say “trans girls are ‘socialized as men’” but I swear that happened to me and i dont know how to fix it. Sorry for sadposting but im making sure to do it on company time
Its one of those subjects that, while important, I’ve almost always seen brought up in bad faith, which sucks because there’s such a valuable conversation to be had about how we’re socialized in a society where so much is unnecessarily gendered.
I think that view is criticized because the response to that socialization by cis boys and trans girls is different, which leads to a whole spiral of different social outcomes.
Also, though, there’s not just one way to be trans, and there are certainly trans people who view their gender as less innate or absolute. Though the majority of trans people say they have always been whatever gender they ultimately identify as and only their expression changed, others say they really did change genders internally as well - that they were a man and became a woman, for example. They’re both legitimate (and probably based on a lot of different cultural influences).
Basically, you do you bb