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Calling someone with a Ph.D in political science “not a historian” when referring to the political situation of Tibet/China is… interesting.
The rest of your argument may indeed be persuasive to someone who actually cares about maintaining the dreadful political situation inside of Tibet but that’s not me. I dont care that in some rural village there wasnt slavery or whatever. I dont care that the weirdo psycho Lamas lost their power. Fuck all versions of aristocracy, but especially fuck ones that still allowed slavery in the 1950s. A world in which the Chinese dont liberate Tibet is a much worse world.
Does he a PhD in political science in China? I’ve a PhD in Chinese History. Should I be writing a book about the French Revolution as an expert? Again, Parenti’s work isn’t bad but it relies on the work other historians did. I say ‘did’, because the scholarship has evolved a lot since then.
So you basically reveal that you are pretty much a chauvinist - that a backward people should be made to be destroyed and progress regardless of the costs. You would’ve fit well amongst the progressives of the British Empire, begging to destroy the cruelties of the caste system in India.
sorry bud but slavery is bad.
calling me british (extremely rude) will not change this fact.
Yes, and again…all of Tibet didn’t have slavery, and Tibetans themselves were fighting against it before the CCP entered the picture. The logic you are using, and I am sorry if it is rude, is pretty much the same logic of British reformers seeking to civilize the barbarian ‘Hindoos’. I don’t really see how one can deny that. Would you advocate that the US goes into Mauritania to liberate the pockets of slavery that exist there as well?
If you would be open to it an AMA regarding your thoughts and knowledge on Chinese history, especially post communist revolution, would be super interesting.
I took one history course during my B.A Chinese poetry studies but it was long ago.
I would be open to it, but tbh I sometimes find talking about it here a little exhausting. It is not that I think people have bad intentions, but there is often just a lot of bad faith interpretations of China from both demsoc AND tankie positions that navigating all the fraught politics of all and arguing with everyone becomes really tiring. But I’ll think about it!