His Majesty’s Treasury Head of Cyber Security salary: £57500
lol, lmao
UK tryin to pretend it’s a player in the modern tech world while paying people less than interns make in California
It’s less than ten years since the British goverment spent several years trying to ban encryption entirely until eventually enough poeple they trust told them they were fucking idiots and it would destroy the economy overnight.
What’s cost of living like though?
In fairness I reckon you could piss away three and a half grand a month away fairly easily in London.
The entire UK is a country sized Potemkin Village set up by the United States to let the terf islanders live out their remaining days in peace while the rest of the world kindly plays along.
“You know back in my day the sun never set on our glorious empire”
Oh wow gran that’s amazing. How would you like some mushy peas huh? That sounds good, right?
to let the terf islanders live out their remaining days in peace while the rest of the world kindly plays along.
Where’s my peace motherfucker!?!
You’re right, but this applies to like 500 people who run Britain, 300 of which their families always have, and 200 of which pretend their families always did.