This video doesn’t get posted enough–I heard about it months ago but only just now watched it.
They’re cutting down all the trees to burn as fuel.
Also this article by Max Blumenthal that debunks a bunch of shitty astroturfed criticisms about the film
Their argument is that it takes energy and natural resources to build solar panels and wind turbines and that’s true. What they miss is that when they are built they are going to produce energy for a long time forward without the need for any extra input.
Wind and Solar are also more efficient now than they show in the movie because a lot of this movie was shot 10 years ago! Because this is relatively new technology a lot has happened in 10 years and solar panels can produce 3 times as much energy now than a decade ago
Literally today the person interviewed in my adjacent comment is tweeting about four million solar panels being decomissioned this year with no plans for how to recycle them.
What about that mountain where they were going to shove the very, very scary nuclear waste?
Here’s another more recent skeptic of solar. I listened to these a few months ago, but his main points are it takes way too much acreage to produce enough energy and that we are in danger of using up all of the finite raw materials that making solar panels requires. We only have a finite amount of desert as well, which solar panels completely destroy, and the desert is very alive and a necessary part of the planet. Etc. Read the transcripts or listen if you want.
In 2010 the world used 141,057TWh and in 2019 used 158,800TWh. That’s 12.5% more in just 10 years. There’s no way technology for solar or wind can keep up with that.