This video doesn’t get posted enough–I heard about it months ago but only just now watched it.
They’re cutting down all the trees to burn as fuel.
Also this article by Max Blumenthal that debunks a bunch of shitty astroturfed criticisms about the film
I assume you are a comrade so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here. I’ve walked around the city with a Geiger counter in fear that my kids are getting poised. I saw the government lift the allowable cesium % 100 fold to accommodate the new unfortunate reality.
You haven’t.
You can’t understand the effects of something you haven’t experienced first hand. It’s liberal techno fetishist /r/futurology people who are all in on nuclear but don’t want to address consumption and capitalism with its infinite growth within a finite resource system. Nuclear is tremendously carbon intensive as well homie. Tremendously. So why not attack the problem at its root: its the capitalism