If I were to abandon my morals and beliefs I’d be one. Like the way they’ve organized is stupid smart. You send your kids through middle school taking high school classes and AP and college in high school. Through the church you’ve got a support network that can help tutor. Then you send them on a mission where they will spend two years learning a second language, relevant for finding a job later as well as working on your people skills. After that you go to BYU where a years tuition is like $5k and total cost is about $10k, which you can easily pay for by doing summer sales, ending school with no debt. You’ll also get married pretty early on. This entire time you’ve been making tons of connections. You know someone who knows someone in everything, the people you know from your mission/college all know people who can hook you up with someone and boom high paying job. On top of this, everyone is a prepper with a massive community to assist
Lefties really need to start organizing, and that’s kinda the gold standard for a cell-like organization. It’s important to take notes from even oppressive organizations when they’re effective.