I just recently migrated from Linux Mint to Pop OS, do you have any tips/extensions on what I should do with my desktop?
Replace the Pop! Shop with the COSMIC Store.
sudo apt install cosmic-store cosmic-icons
sudo apt remove pop-shop
Pop Shop is kinda slow. COSMIC Store is part of Pop OS’s new COSMIC Desktop Environment (DE). Everything is just a lot faster. It’s an alpha so there are a couple of rough edges, but it’s great overall.
Speaking of, get hyped for COSMIC. It’s a DE written in Rust. It’s not quite as complete as GNOME, but hopefully it will have better performance than the current GNOME mod that forms Pop’s UI.
I tested the new Cosmic Desktop Environment on an experimental laptop, and it performs fairly well. I can’t wait to use it on my main machine. I actually already have Cosmic Shop, Pop Shop is far slower than Cosmic Shop, and it wasn’t even created by System. I’ll definitely uninstall Pop Shop.