How dumb do you have to be to believe this bullshit in 2024?
Liberals are just as low-information as MAGAs, they just use media sources with a cleaner sheen of faux respectability. They believe in a large number of myths foundational to their political beliefs, part of their nationalist, pro-bourgeouis democratic ideology. When you tell them the US stands for international law and human rights they nod along and say, “yeah that’s right and we’re good unlike those [designated enemies]”. The fact that both the US and Israel constantly flout intentional law, their own treaties, commit war crimes, etc etc doesn’t register as a real challenge to their beliefs at first. They still have v the designated enemies to compare to and can quickly stop thinking about the inconsistency by plunging themselves back into the capitalist media rationalization machine (pervasive ready-made narratives).
It’s possible to break through the pattern but a lot of people get stuck in it.
I agree. One of my brothers is the epitome of this. As far as he’s concerned, the NY Times is all you need. A lifetime (or longer) of propaganda can be hard to overcome. Being relatively comfortable and raising young kids also seems to make it extra hard to accept certain unpleasant realities.
I always wonder if ghouls like Blinken are dumb enough genuinely believe this, or they just think everyone else is an idiot.
If they did, they’d be rubes, not ghouls. They know it’s bullshit, but they have fully-vested interests in that bullshit, so they follow that line.
I honestly don’t know. I kind of think most politicians kind of see reality as 100% plastic. Trump is the extreme end of this to the point that whatever shit falls out of his mouth he immediately believes. Most just learn to believe whatever they need to on any given day.
I agree generally but Trump’s comments on his base believing anything he says or following him no matter what, and the contradictions between what he says publicly and what he does privately—on Christianity, for example—does make me think he mostly knows what’s a truth and a lie.
But a lot of them, Trump included, are true believers of at least some of the propaganda. No one is immune.