The LGBTQIA+ community came together to celebrate pride month in spite of police brutality, military enlistment office kidnappings, and general homophobic attitudes from the population.
Meanwhile, at the capital’s main square gathered the “activists for traditional values”. They waved the ultra-nationalist Right Sector and Azov flags, and chanted “To the Ukraine’s enemies? Death, Death, Death”. They started marching, and later ran towards the location of the pride parade, but by the time they reached it, the participants already have dispersed. Here’s the video.
LGBTQ Ukrainians are between a rock and a hard place now. For all the governmental posturing about how progressive it is, very little actual progress has been made, and its being curbed by nazis at every step. Still, the LGBTQ community staunchly supports the current nazi government like a good liberals they are.
I can’t be surprised that they are, all the ones who are actually on the left have probably been purged to avoid being blackballed by the government.