Me when series where characters always looked like average people look like average people.
Okay, so I wanted to make a comment saying that a shit ton, if not the majority of g*mers (in the triple-A industry) are anti-woke racist fuckers, but I’m not sure how true that sentiment is.
The reason why I wanted to say that is because the overall narrative that I see among “woke”, sweet baby topics is dominated by these kinds of people. And the other side is represented, maybe, only among the developers and a small portion of not braindead gamers, who don’t play only Sony AAA exclusives.
But I hesitated because sales numbers don’t usually lie. Those scary “woke” games still made a shit ton of money, so I could probably just be exaggerating the number of people who actually care about this.
What do you think?
Okay, so I wanted to make a comment saying that a shit ton, if not the majority of g*mers (in the triple-A industry) are anti-woke racist fuckers, but I’m not sure how true that sentiment is.
If you hate yourself… Type into YouTube “red dead 2 suffragette”
Dude, what the fuck. Why does it have millions of views and tens (or rather hundreds) of thousands of likes? The comments are repulsive too, I’VE NEVER SEEN THAT.
Now there’s no reason to not hate capital G gamers. If someone is outright proud to be one, my first instinct is to think they’re a mouth foaming reactionary.