Read the article next time. It’s a weird trend for parents to try and connect with their socially self isolated adult children by socially isolating themselves.
It’s a little extreme sure, but sweet in a way.
And what about Occupied Korean society may be causing these social breakdowns for their children? Is it the alienation they feel from some of the most oppressive capitalism on earth?
eh, japan’s the same way and it’s a totally different country, so i think there’s nothing to see here. it’s just one of those things, you know.
Also totally not happening in the U.S right now, ignore any news articles pointing out NEETism being on the rise, they’re commie fake news
Read the article next time.
: “That’ll show OP, he didn’t even read the article that he posted”
It’s a weird trend for parents to try and connect with their socially self isolated adult children by socially isolating themselves.
It’s a little extreme sure, but sweet in a way.
Imagine how privileged you have to be to say this. Seems like you never grew any sort of empathy for people with mental health issues otherwise you’d know how unhelpful it would be for your parents to roleplay your depression using money and time that could have went to helping you.
Imagine reading the article, and being so that you think “yes this is a wholesome good news story, all is well with society, silly OP mustn’t have even read it.”
Bet this person reads those news articles about 8 year olds crowd raising funds to pay off other 8 year olds lunch debts and thinks it’s “kind of sweet in a way”
A “trend” of clueless parents socially isolating and trying to give themselves depression to “understand” their depressed socially isolated children
In what universe is this “sweet”??? It’s willful blindness and self centered coping designed specifically to ignore the glaring and obvious problem that causes their children to withdraw from society; CAPITALISM