Granted it was during a bleak period of my life when I was so reactionary. But my god, to think these goobers are still around today, still doing racism and sexism, just moving from target to target to take out the impotent rage on.
Just reminded of it today with the “discourse” of Yasuke being in Ass Creed and G*mers changing any woman not white and waifish with AI.
I still don’t know what gamergate was and I have no interest in learning. I feel like it would just be a complete waste of time. I think it had something to do with a bunch of nerds being angry a woman was taking games seriously as art and critiquing them as such?
every time you mention Dan Olson some reactionary chud comes out of the woodwork to say “umm you mean the guy that posted CP on 8kun?” oh shut the fuck up you lying sack of shit.
For real? I don’t think I’ve noticed that so far, though it wouldn’t surprise me. Dan’s been styling on chuds for a long time. I suspect his reading of fight club as a feminist critique of toxic masculinity left a core trauma for some of these bozos
Even dumber than that, it was kicked off by a jilted boyfriend who aired out their dirty laundry on Tumblr and the whole discourse centered around how women keep getting a pass for everything.
But yeah, life is too short and precious to spend any of it caring about gamergate.
I think it had something to do with a bunch of nerds being angry a woman was taking games seriously as art and critiquing them as such?
That’s as good an explanation as you’re going to find about it. Far right operatives latched onto them and juiced it up which is why it wouldn’t go away