rightoids: “leftist people, inmigrants and brown people are promoting violence by illegal means!!”
shooter was white
shooter was american citizen
shooter was conservative
shooter used a legal weapon
Dems spend 8 years doing nothing but screeching about how singularly evil this one individual is to the exclusion of all other messaging
Dems nominate the only person in the world loathed enough to lose to this bozo twice by completely dismantling the democratic process, the second time by nominating someone who 70% of voters have been saying is too fucking old for the last 12 months
Aforementioned fossil who is badly losing to Trump refuses to step aside because he’s the same megalomaniacal dickhead he has been all his life, removing all democratic means of preventing the ascent of the aforementioned singularly evil individual
Truly we will never understand the motive
I don’t see down votes on hexbear dot net 😎
So I can have bad takes with impunity