Ah yeah, I live in a very reactionary area I get you, if you can bring a friend and fake being a chud (not be racist or anything of course but dress up like one and kinda all together avoid politics) it usually makes things smoother
I don’t know about Canada but in the US you would walk out with a gun and just be a “funny” anecdote they tell their chud friends, especially if you go to a more corporate place. Workers don’t keep their jobs and businesses don’t stay in business by being confrontational with their clientel. It’s why Sacha Baron Cohen can make them look like fools so easily. I guarantee you I could put on Dahmer glasses and joker laugh the entire transaction and get a gun right now after drinking half a bottle of tequila. Just act like a normal person and you’ll be fine even if you are a little nervous.
I don’t have an issue buying a gun but in Canada I have to do a safety course to get the license and I don’t want to spend a day with a room full of chuds.