International transfers of weapons and equipment needed to make weapons has always been excluded and under additional restrictions.
Edit: Arms Export Control Act (AECA)
This is the reason why Microsoft can only sell the Windows OS to Iran if they remove strong encryption support (like newer versions of TLS). It’s nothing new at all.
Arms Export Control Act (AECA)
This is the reason why Microsoft can only sell the Windows OS to Iran if they remove strong encryption support (like newer versions of TLS). It’s nothing new at all - been around as long as I’ve been alive. Free trade rules only apply when national security rules don’t.
Typical liberal nonsense.
Everything can be considered national security. It’s a bogus excuse. If an enemy has food they can resist in a war against you longer therefore food exports should be stopped for reasons of national security. If an enemy has clean water then contaminating their water in case of war may allow them to hold out longer therefore water filter trade must be stopped. If an enemy has a bottling plant for soda it can be adapted to make weapons, therefore machinery for those must not be sold.
If an enemy cannot procure adequate iron or steel supplies then their war industry will collapse in a war, therefore exports of metals must be stopped for national security.
You should not sell them medicine because a healthy population is able to fight you better and one without vital medicine is more restless and likely to rise up and overthrow the government so you can put in place a puppet. This is the real rational behind sanctions which is economic warfare.
The fact is the US as the chief human rights violating abomination of a power for the last century has used everything to attempt to bully and brutalize enemies into subjugation.
During peacetime certain things should not be protected by national security as a blanket excuse. That includes things like technology products such as chips.
Just because the US weaponizes everything does not make everything national security related. It makes the US a brutal, vicious, malicious empire that murders millions while pretending to have some sort of moral highground. A highground it has but one build on a mountain of corpses and blood. Non-white corpses, proletarian corpses.
Baby-brain. Military tech like missiles does not need nor does it use the latest cutting edge tiny lithography but older lithographies which are well within the grasp of China and other nations. These bans are to stop them from competing with Apple and Android, to stop them from competing against western tech companies in innovations such as battery endurance, size, etc to make western products more appealing. That’s straight up trade war. It’s the same reason why they’re banning Chinese ship-yard cranes, to cripple their industry and give the west a permanent edge as part of a strategy of decoupling and campism to force the rest of the world at gun-point, at peril of access to the best, latest western tech of joining them in their embargo on China, of not trading in their own best interests but at gun-point in the best interests of the west.
But you’re so racist you wouldn’t care. All you liberals care about is white supremacy.
Weapons of mass destruction rhetoric ye talkin’… I say its mere pretense…
You seem the type to look at any Global-South country buying ammonium-nitrate fertilizer, who happens to be anti-U.S hegemony, and claim they’re making bombs out of 'em
What weapons exactly?
Mobile electronics, computers, GPS? they’re tools to achieve military strategic goals, but not necessarily military
I don’t think China has any issues producing electronics, computers, or GPS. LMAO.
Here are the details of the restrictions -
We’re talking about chips used pretty much exclusively for Artificial Intelligence use - which China uses to abuse human rights of its citizens and to develop weapons which threaten Taiwan, the Philippines, and all free trade moving through the South China Sea.
pretty much exclusively for Artificial Intelligence use
Not necessarily military… that’s sort of mentality the U.S and you westoid lackies gets when their innovation mainly comes from military funding, specifically the smartphone and the internet
Besides, why can’t be both electronics used for military-purposes and A.I be targetted
Also, what did I tell ye about confusing buying fertilizer for bomb-making?
which China uses to abuse human rights of its citizens and to develop weapons which threaten Taiwan, the Philippines, and all free trade moving through the South China Sea.
How you immediately jump to this conclusion, not even explaining how directly A.I does this, reminds of this quote
I disengage from your conversation…
Meanwhile, 40% of US DoD weapons system and infrastructure supply chains rely on Chinese semiconductors. 😂