Maybe leave your dog in your fucking condo you bougie shitbag
why the fuck do people kennel their dogs?
this is a shitty response dude. that thing is a fucking tiny ass box.
If you think putting a dog into a crate is shitty then I hope you never take your dog to a vet; because what do you think they do during in between whatever you brought them there for and your pickup time? Come on; while I agree it is wrong and abusive to stick a dog in a crate that is too small for them to do a full 360° in, crate training as a whole is not abusive. It is not wrong to crate a fully grown dog for a few hours, provided you’re not doing it vindictively or as a punishment.
Crate training is a real technique, it works, and the dogs don’t give a shit once they get used to it.
Read some books about dog training instead of spouting your ignorance. Dogs aren’t humans. You err when you anthropomorphize them too much.
Kenneling is a good way to train your dog. I really can’t tell how big it is, but there’s different sizes of dogs obviously all dogs shouldn’t go in there, but this idea is good. Too many people leave their dogs in the hot ass car when they go shopping. This is a million times better.
This is really different than a crate that your dog has gotten used to and had made its private space.
I know the window with all the strangers walking about would really freak out my dogs.
You’d be better off leaving them in a crate at home. I don’t know why you need to bring your dogs with you to go shopping anyway.
nah dude. that thing is fucking shitty. maybe a redesign where it’s the size of a kennel.
but ‘kenneling your dog when you leave the house’ is not training a dog.
How can you tell how big it is? There’s no dog and nothing in the frame to compare the size.
Some dogs will tear up your house if you don’t kennel them while you’re away. And getting them comfortable inside the kennel makes it easier to train them.