There’s some guy I talk to who believes the theory that the top 20 percent of dudes get 80% of women, and that because he doesn’t have a brad pitt jaw and isn’t 6’ +, he might as well just hate women because they’ll never like him anyways.
I’ve had boys in my class go this way before. I hate to sound like I’m bragging, but it’s not hard to push it out of them if they’re under 19 and you have enough time with them. The boys who grow into super reactionaries never take a class with me.
How do I do that direct action thing with you where you were dressed in that ape suit and screaming weird sounds at the wall?
I have no idea what this is referencing, and I just want you to know I am sitting here actually laughing out loud at this mental picture, wtf 😂
Oh whatsup pal? Glad I could make someone laugh. That’s the best part about this site is the laughs.
Either way comrade butt_bidet admitted this was him @ 3:50 in this video.
(It’s a joke mods, I’m not doxxing anyone)
When I asked him why he did it, he said it was direct action.