Anytime companies talk about looking to increase productivity all I can think about is extreme workplace monitoring and time tasking every little thing employees do.
Sometimes I wish I had an office job where I could sit in a cozy cubicle in a comfy chair all day but then I remember shit like this.
Yea process timing is one of the most shitty things employers do for assembly line work. It’s not even that useful as overworking people to tight time limits tends to lead to fuckups that take a lot longer to sort out down the line.
capitalists are SOOOO BAD at actually increasing productivity. Like “Open Workplaces” was a fad and they somehow managed to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars essentially just removing cubicles, under the idea it’ll foster better communication and shit and fit more people in a space reducing rent for offices, but eventually studies came out saying it DECREASED productivity like 20%. And it took a fucking deathplague to finally let people work from home, when rresearch almost consinstantly shows that if instead of working 5 days in the office, they worked 4 days at home, taking one hole day off, they would STILL be more productive, and it’d decimate fucking how much the company has to pay renting out office space. But of course they pooh-pooh that whenever you’d try to work from home, and do the other stupid thing that actuallly reduced productivity.