Libs literally bending over backwards because they decided they liked him before they learned about his past. Voted 3rd party last time, almost was gonna vote for a lib this time but I’ve been called an antisemite so many times I just can’t bring myself to voting for a guy that not only supports genocide but calls me a racist for opposing it!
Like you can’t call me a racist and expect me to vote for your candidate. Makes no sense, but that’s what the convo is gonna be the next three months lmao.
I’d be a little surprised if she runs with Shapiro. He does suck, he was just there under the previous Dem gov and our options were zionist or actual anti-semite Mastriano
She’s announcing her VP pick in Philly, so it’s most likely going to be Shapiro (or if she wants to do the most electorally-suicidal pick possible, John Fetterman.) If she’s picking Beshear or Kelly or whoever, you’d expect her to have the announcement in their home state.