Libs literally bending over backwards because they decided they liked him before they learned about his past. Voted 3rd party last time, almost was gonna vote for a lib this time but I’ve been called an antisemite so many times I just can’t bring myself to voting for a guy that not only supports genocide but calls me a racist for opposing it!
Like you can’t call me a racist and expect me to vote for your candidate. Makes no sense, but that’s what the convo is gonna be the next three months lmao.
Also he seemingly helped cover up a murder
I just read about it. Starting to think think we got Joshed
The origin of the expression ‘Joshing Me’ can be found in the late 1800s, when a young man named Josh Tatum noticed that nickels minted in 1883 were almost the same as five-dollar gold pieces in terms of size and design