this meme but replace the bottom text with “and then when they get elected they don’t do any of the good stuff they claimed and only reach across the aisle to bipartisanly do extremely bad stuff” and put a DNC button on the hippy
that is true, but it’s still better to snooze the timer of the bomb than letting it explode. Currently the problem is still the first past the post system.
The only reason of letting trump win is if you are willing to gamble on his term resulting a violent revolution for the better.
I don’t want fascist border and immigration policies, whether it’s republicans or democrats doing it. Both are promising to do more of it, so I won’t vote for them. I don’t want a genocide in Palestine, whether it’s democrats or republicans doing it, so I won’t vote for them. I don’t want an economic trade war with China, the nation that makes almost everything including the shit our own military uses. Once again, both are promising more of that, so I won’t vote for them. I don’t support prosecutors, so I won’t vote for Harris. I don’t support exploitative business owners or silver-spoon dipshits, so I won’t vote for Trump.
There’s no “snooze” on the bomb. Both of the parties are asking for your vote so they can detonate the bomb. You can’t stop either of them from doing it, so why fucking endorse them?
At least one party isn’t trying to ban EV’s and makes some attempts for green policy, which is important with climate change basically already here. They also forgive some student loans for some people, funded an infrastructure bill, and give some increased child tax credits. Also isn’t trying to hurt LGBTQ people in a federal level.
Currently the problem is still the first past the post system.
I’m so sick of libs talking about this. That is not the problem. Your system is not broken. It is working exactly as its intended to work for the people it was designed to work for.
You can’t reform a system exists solely to oppress you