Mr. Softie’s tummy has been bothering him again and I can’t get him to the vet anytime soon. Every couple of days he throws up stomach acid and his poops are very runny. If any other hexbear out there has experience with a cat like this, is there any food you recommend?
My mums cat is very sensitive to foods, for her it was a case of trial and error and trying all the different foods she had easily available to try and narrow down what sat best with him.
She alternates between a couple of expensive cat foods and pre cooked chicken which seems to help. I can’t offer any brands or anything I’m afraid as I don’t know what they are but I know the ones his stomach prefers are the less processed, more natural ones.
I hope you can find something that agrees with him, chicken may be something good to try that is an easyish first option.
<3 Mr Softie <3
Thinking about trying out some of the food marketed as for sensitive stomach and go from there.