So basically, animal crossing added hairdos from black culture, and white people put them on their character in game, and people are genuinely going nuts about it.
I have no background on what the twitter drama is nor have I played Animal crossing. Usually though these cases are like one black person on twitter being like “Hey, these hairstyles have a cultural significance to them and we had to fight to have them be acceptable in white spaces. Please don’t use them as a cool costume”. Then a bunch of outraged gamers pile on blowing it up into “OMGZ, it’s just a game I should be able to do what I want, DOES IT OFFEND YOU? ARE YOU TRIGGERED? stupid SJWs”.
How would you know in game the difference between someone celebrating an afro as a symbol of black culture, and someone having one as a “cool” hairstyle divorced from any context? The internet and games have never been good on questions of racism.