So basically, animal crossing added hairdos from black culture, and white people put them on their character in game, and people are genuinely going nuts about it.
If one side says they don’t care and the other says it bothers them, then you should er on the side of not doing the thing that’s bothering people.
Is it though?
There will almost always be at least a small group that finds something offensive, should we really be listening to them 100% of the time? I’m sure there are at least a couple people out there who think that white people shouldn’t listen to hip-hop, should we ‘err on the side of caution’ in that case too?
Just because a very small amount of people find something offensive, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s anything wrong with the thing, it just means that a few people are offended by it.
But hip hop also isn’t inherent to someone’s appearance. You can listen or not listen to hip hop and literally no one would know unless you told them, but the way that someone’s hair grows or the color of their skin is immutable and shouldn’t be treated like some sort of costume or aesthetic choice that can be discarded at will.