Hey curious what others think, I’m a big believer in sustainable & permaculture based agriculture but also have heard of some instances where its helped, idk maybe that’s monsanto propaganda I turn to you chacha to educate me.
“Golden Rice is a covert attempt to win wider approval for genetically modified food and will not solve problems of malnutrition. Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) – like other problems on malnutrition and hunger – is not caused by the lack of Vitamin A in food, but by people’s inability to achieve a balanced diet.” https://www.grain.org/article/entries/5177-golden-rice-is-unnecessary-and-dangerous
“Rainbow papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a genetically engineered (GE) cultivar with resistance to papaya ringspot virus (PRSV). This cultivar currently accounts for about 70% of Hawaii’s papaya acreage. … No differences were observed between GE and non-GE papaya for 36 nutrients at any of the tested fruit ripeness stages.”
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889157510002693#:~:text=Rainbow papaya (Carica%20papaya%20L,70%25%20of%20Hawaii’s%20papaya%20acreage.&text=No%20differences%20were%20observed%20between,the%20tested%20fruit%20ripeness%20stages.
Hey I’m an agricultural engineer who has worked with GMOs before and currently researches ag + climate stuff. GMOs are fine, they’ve done some good and might be able to do a lot more. The problem is though that GMO advocates tend to fall into techno-optimist cliches where they say CRISPR and advanced multi trait GMOS are going to save the world, when they very clearly arent. From a climate perspective, GMOs are next to useless due to the ~13 year development cycle they have, meaning they cannot act nearly fast enough to avert the coming crisis. GMOs and other technical solutions are often propped up by people who dont want to do any of the work that will actually be required to stave off climate change, like massivly overhauling the global economy and clamping down western consumption. They can be useful at some things and we shouldnt throw them aside, but its also not really worth spending a ton of time defending them, and the people who do are usually bad actors.