My mood has severely dropped off compared to a month ago where I was feeling my best I’ve felt in many years. I am currently on an assortment of medications to mostly help combat depression, OCD, and anxiety. If it helps the medications I’m on are 150mg Quetiapine (75mg twice a day), 20 mg propanalol (10mg twice a day), 50mg Pristiq, and 1 mg clonazepan. I was prescribed 21 days worth of Ritalin which I believe increased my mood and helped me get out of bed and do things with my life. The issue here is it sucks that I’m having to rely on a chemical dependence in order to feel good, also the fact the cocktail of medications I’m on aren’t doing anything for my mood and I’m just falling deeper into a depressed state.

I asked my psychiatrist a month ago if we could trial other stimulants as the 10mg Ritalin only worked for about 3 hours max and then would drain me of all energy for the rest of the day. Last week when I spoke to him he said “I don’t want to add too many moving parts” which is a way of saying I shouldn’t be on stimulants.

I see my psychiatrist soon, maybe if I explain how depressed and exhausted I’ve been he might be able to look into some alternative treatments to combat how I feel. I’m concerned with bringing up controlled substances as he has already provided me with a months worth of Benzodiazepines, asking him for stimulants because they make me feel good might not go well especially since he is concerned there’s too many drugs in my repertoire.

It’s annoying that I’m on so many drugs yet they seem to not be doing anything for my mood, and the only drugs that help are addictive.

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As the other poster has pointed out, telling them straight up what you want to change. Somethings that have really worked for me are cognitive behavioral therapy(now whenever I feel suicidal I remind my self that its alienation cause by capitalism), and a therapist that is fine with me talking about how much I hate capitalism. What I have found is that most people don’t say you are wrong for believing in socialism IRL.


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