my anti-depressants are starting to fail after 4 years. please help. please clap. I hate feeling the real world. it’s horrible.
TW: Mental Health
As someone who has had severe depression since childhood I’d say this is pretty normal, but it’s caused me to reflect a lot. I feel in my case, the meds never actually worked, and were pretty much a placebo. I think depression is impossible to effect with meds because I feel it ultimately is due to material conditions and not necessarily something being “wrong” with you. I’d keep in mind we aren’t mad to sit in a class room, office, couch for 12+ hrs a day isolated from community. There are no depression studies that take these things into account, they just say “oh so you’re sad that millions are suffering and that your life is slavery outside of the 2 weeks a year we allow you to rest? That must be a you problem, here’s some pills that mess up ur serotonin” then once you’re on the cycle of pills the withdrawals are too brutal so it reinforces the hypothesis for these trials. I don’t really have a solution op, just know that there isn’t anything wrong with you, many people are going through this as well.