I feel like I’ve seen mixed conflicting things about him and am unsure.
No, there isn’t. Because chages haven’t been raised. What we have is the women’s public statements and a leak of the police complaint. And I mean, given that “Anna A.” (One of the victims in question) has since spoken up publicly about how the narrative of the manipulation of her testimony and the “fabrication of a rape” is victim blaming partiarchal nonsene it seems unlikely that she doesn’t find some merit in her own accusations. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/julian-assange-opfer-von-wikileaks-gruender-kritisiert-uno-folterexperten-nils-melzer-a-5d1882b7-945f-42fd-a7a0-ec3012dd886b
Noch nie habe sie sich “so sehr missbraucht gefühlt” wie durch ihn, schreibt die Schwedin Anna A. in einem Dossier, das sie an Melzers Büro geschickt hat und das der SPIEGEL einsehen konnte. Melzer hatte von Manipulationen durch die schwedischen Ermittler gesprochen und die Erfindung einer “Vergewaltigungserzählung” behauptet.
So schiebe er die Schuld den Opfern zu, schreibt die Frau; es sei “eine klassische patriarchalische Technik, die Bedingungen dafür zu definieren, wie ‘ein echtes Vergewaltigungsopfer’ sich zu verhalten habe”. Sie hält dem Juristen zudem vor, sie persönlich zu verleumden und teilweise die Unwahrheit über die Ermittlungen verbreitet zu haben, etwa über die Bereitschaft Assanges, zu den Vorfällen auszusagen. Dies sei “vollständig inakzeptabel, schockierend und ein Grund, seine Tätigkeit bei der Uno zu beenden”.
Huh? She blames Assange for the cops making up a rape allegation? I don’t understand. (Oh, I see, that was a parenthetical by the German paper, she’s attacking the United Nations Rapporteur on Torture.) These are the allegations involving “AA”:
- Unlawful coercion – On 13-14 August 2010, in the home of the injured party [AA] in Stockholm, Assange, by using violence, forced the injured party to endure his restricting her freedom of movement. The violence consisted in a firm hold of the injured party’s arms and a forceful spreading of her legs whilst lying on top of her and with his body weight preventing her from moving or shifting.
- Sexual molestation: On 13-14 August 2010, in the home of the injured party [AA] in Stockholm, Assange deliberately molested the injured party by acting in a manner designed to violate her sexual integrity. Assange, who was aware that it was the expressed wish of the injured party and a prerequisite of sexual intercourse that a condom be used, consummated unprotected sexual intercourse with her without her knowledge.
- Sexual molestation: On 18 August 2010 or on any of the days before or after that date, in the home of the injured party [AA] in Stockholm, Assange deliberately molested the injured party by acting in a manner designed to violate her sexual integrity i.e. lying next to her and pressing his naked, erect penis to her body.
On point 2, specifically she’s accusing Assange of deliberately breaking a condom.
Point 4 was the other woman:
- Rape - On 17 August 2010, in the home of the injured party [SW] in Enköping, Assange deliberately consummated sexual intercourse with her by improperly exploiting that she, due to sleep, was in a helpless state.
“SW” is the one quoted (or “quoted”) in Assange’s affidavit of not wanting to accuse him of anything.