Its becoming clear that China is on track to match or overtake the USA as a global superpower. Since like half of our economy is based on Chinese imports - is there even anything the bourgeoisie / military / intelligence agencies can do about it? Do you think we’re going to move more towards conflict or is China going to pimp slap us and tell us to know our role or they won’t make any iphones for us or whatever.
Real conflict seems very unlikely but there are psychos like John Bolton who will refuse to accept that USA isn’t numba 1 anymore.
Look at the destruction of WW2 which was not caused by nuclear weapons. There are videos of the aftermath of the fall of Berlin for example, pretty awful stuff but just looking at the amount of destruction you’d think it is amazing everyone involved let it get to that point. You should not have blind faith that these psychopaths wont put the US on the path of destruction for many reasons including because they are literally incapable of imagining defeat or caring about the potential “costs”.
Conventional weapons are more than enough to destroy any country.