Ope lemme just sneak past ya right there real quick oh sorry there whoops oh geez real sorry about that fella oh boy
Also real coward behavior by the guy here to to face away from the male model
I’ll be honest I’d do the same thing you did but I’d double down (appropriately, gauging the person putting themselves on exhibition willingness to interact with me) and definitely do a round or few of rock paper scissors.
But it’s less out of a sense of kindness towards our fellow man and more out of spite for the artificial self-imposed chains of swine that thinks themselves better than they truly are.
Also because a good bout of random rock paper scissors is always fun
I think it has to do with people becoming aware that the most commonly played hand statistically is rock therefore try to be smarty-pants by planning around that plan, realizing other people also know that plan thus planning around the plan they are planning, and falling victim to their own schemes and eating fist.