Theres enough racist people that hes a candidate
Thats it, lets stop putting our heads in the sand with ‘economic anxiety’
White is not about race. It is a class under cpaitlaism
nah it’s race. If you have a rich black in a community full of whites they’ll just kill the rich black on the day SHTF
can’t imagine being this scatterbrained
But which came first. Is he other because he is black? Or is he black because he us other. Compare a melungion person to a light skinned black person. In that situation race has almost nothing to do with race and everything to do with ses.
He’s other because he looks different, which any 3-year-old, or non-human animal, can see
There are plenty of differences we don’t create “race” around. Some of which are even more heritable than a skin color. I think though pi,king thr most obvious one despite it being much less informative or useful is a clear indicator race doesn’t actually matter as such. It only matters in it’s ease of use for capitlaism